last updated November 2012
- Ratifiers for Democracy international sites:
- Ratifiers for Democracy
- This site talks about the USA in particular, but is relevant to any non-parliamentary system of government.
- UK and Europe-based, but relevant anywhere that parliaments exist or are considered.
- THE AUSTRALIAN REPUBLIC: A citizen-centred alternative
- Where nothing's impossible . . . except democracy
- Dedicated to all who live in cosmetic democracies, knowing that even the best democracies wear a little makeup. This site is inspired by Singapore, whose government sells the data base of its population to scientists with the slogan "Where nothing's impossible", and where it labels the lack of freedom of speech as "consensus"
Some other thinksites from Ratifiers for Democracy:
- Happiness and Democracy
- Athenians vs. Yankees in the Democracy World Series
The Pledge
- Some Ratifiers Commentaries:
Democracy and God: Songs to sing in the War on Terrorism
Democracy and Public Service
Project Censored - Media democracy in action
One World: Nations online - International News Sources
World Directory of Think Tanks
Politics and Government:
Center for Public Integrity Investigative journalism in the public interest
Factcheck.org This excellent nonpartisan project should be something that should be ongoing, not just a service in times of campaigns.
Political Information: Fast Politics -A Search Engine for Politics and Policy A portal and search engine for politics, policy and political news (primarily US-oriented)
Parliamentary Elections around the World To instantly be informed, this is the definitive site.
IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems) Links International organization dedicated to free and fair elections, with links to election commissions and democratic activities worldwide IDEA- International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance "Our objective is to promote and advance sustainable democracy and to improve and consolidate electoral processes world-wide. Independent of specific national interests, we provide a forum for interaction and exchange of experiences among a variety of global actors involved in promotion of democracy."
Malcolm Farnsworth's VCE Politics Pages Australian-based, but excellent for both Aussie and US politics, and with a special personally-developed file on Watergate.
Political Lexicon From the US Department of State International Information Programs News Watch a project of the Center for Integration and Improvement of Journalism of the San Francisco State University Journalism Department.
Specific legislative information
First Gov The umbrella site defined as "Your first click to the US government: The official government gateway
USA Federal / State
- Ibiblio